Monica and Cody celebrated their ten year wedding anniversary in June and took a trip back to DC where they were married. They lived at Ft. Meyer for a time, so it's a special place for them.
Monica floated the idea of a sunrise session. At first, I was like "well, sunrise at this time of year is around 5:45am." She was not deterred. Cody may not have been in love with the idea (nor was I because....sleep?) but it turned out amazingly well. The light was gorgeous, and I was able to capture my favorite thing - PEOPLE STANDING IN LIGHT BEAMS. We started at the Lincoln Memorial, worked our way around the sides and back, then walked down the mall towards the WW2 Memorial.
The light was a bit harsh by the time we arrived, but we were still able to capture some great moments.
If you're interested in a sunrise session and are willing to wake up at an ungodly hour, I'd be happy to help : ) I'll just have to go to bed before 1am the night before...